
Final Task CCR

 I am finally finished with this project. For my CCR I did a hair tutorial while answering the questions. The video is very much ghetto as Ii had to go to work and still do my hair LOL, but it looks really good.

Final Task; SNATCHED

Hey everyone, we are finally finished with our film. There was some struggle in the process of editing this video as our school computers restrict a ton of stuff. Anyways we hope that you will like it and please don't judge us if you see any errors as the only tool we use to film was our phones. Have a great day!

Production Blog: We did it

 Hey guys, welcome back to another Blog. As you read in the title, I and Melissa have finished the project. Well not finished but we finished the last of the filming. We have to do the editing tomorrow, but it shouldn't take too long because I know exactly what I want to do. It's also a two-minute opening scene so it should take way less time. It is way less than when we had to our 15-minute interview video. Today Melissa and I got a lot done. I had gone over to her house to film as my mom does not want anyone in the house. The scene we would film require this so Melissa asked her mom if I could over and her mom said yes. Her mom is cool. I filmed the bedroom seen. Melissa recorded the scene where the killer put on his clothes. We were supposed to do a scene with the weapon packing. However, we’re not trying to spread more violence. Especially since our whole video is based on a situation and Europe. Anyways after we were filming my and Melissa jump rope outside. It was really

Production Blog: Almost Done!

 Hey everyone I hope you had a great weekend. If you have been reading all my blogs and keeping up to date, I just want to give you a big thank you. I appreciate it even though sometimes I know that it is boring. Well, probably the majority of my blogs are boring. Anyways, remember when I had mentioned in my previous blog that I was going to order a ski mask. Well change of plans, I did not order it. I know your probably saying gurl you change your mind too quickly. However, I will probably not getting at all and either wear no mask or a black material over my nose and down. Although since we are in the season of covid, I might wear a regular face mask. This way we are keeping more realistic to our time and also including worldly factors. And corona is a big factor in the world right now. Not a good one but it's here doing its thing. I am lucky and glad that up until now I have not gotten it. Although who knows maybe I did but I was just asymptomatic. Here's a little flashback.

Production Blog: Nothing really

 Hey everyone, hope you are doing well. I know that I am exhausted from work. However, money needs to be made and I have bills to pay. Well, only one bill for now. Although I do have other stuff to pay for, like my college orientation and cap and gown. I am also slowly upgrading my closet as I need some new clothes and shoes as well. I might also pay for my senior photos as they are really pretty. Although just for like 10-15 pictures it is 100+ dollars. Like, I do not know about you, but to me, that is a whole lot of money. I could get over 90 items in a dollar tree with 100+ dollars. That's probably just me but I mean it is a lot, although it would be a nice memory to have. Diving into updates on our filming there is not anything to update with. As I said in my previous blog I have been working all week, so we were not able to meet up. Last Sunday Melissa also had church and then a lot of assignments to do, so we couldn't meet up. Plus it was Easter so that most likely meant

Production Blog: Monday Update

 Hey everyone. I hope you all have been well. Did anyone else enjoy easter, because I know I did. I mean, honestly, who does not enjoy a three day weekend from school. Anyways back to the topic, there is nothing much to update about our film. This week I am working everyday after school, except for Friday, so we we will not be able to meet. Your probably thinking, “what about Friday or the weekend.” Well Melissa will be going to her dad house for the weekend. She won’t return until Sunday. When she returns on Sunday she will have homework to do and it will already be dark outside. So no filming will be able to be done. As for next week, I don’t know my work schedule as of yet. However, most likely I will be working on Sunday and if that’s the case, I will have a day off during the week. If i do then we would film on this day. Although if I am off on Thursday next week, we would be able to get a lot of filming done. This is because it will be a early release day. I also want us on to fi

Production Blog: More Updates

 Hello Everyone, welcome to another blog update. Today Melissa and I met up to film. Thankfully we were able to film today as scheduled. With working and taking care of my school work, I have become pretty busy. However, we are such a great team and can come up with compromises. I was at my cousin's house today so she came over to film when I had got home. It was evening time and close to around 7. We knew that sunset would be approaching fast since sunset is normally after 7 or 8. Hence, we started to film as quickly as possible and try to get through as much as we could today. Due to corona, my mom does not want anyone in the house, so I met Melissa outside and made her come to my backyard while I got my phone. I have an iPhone XR so the quality is quite nice. Even when it's close to sunset, the camera still makes the outside look a little bit brighter. If the XR could do that, I cannot wait to upgrade my phone as well. I am the one that did most of the filming today. I took